SOROCCO. Had my first attempt at gig photography which was a bit of a fail for technical reasons...Basically, I need a better lens! Got a few shots but nothing half decent, so I went back to supping cider and dancing.
CAKE. Um. Are these posts ever complete without a food photo?! I think not!
STARS. I attached some fairy lights to the ceiling in my room, it's so pretty and relaxing watching them all twinkling away.
Last week was also my parent's 50th birthday, but I didn't like any of the photos from the party! I'd thought 'sod it!' when I was doing my make-up and mixed highlighting liquid in to my foundation....NOT A GOOD IDEA. Serious case of tanned body, white face. Flash and highlighters don't mix - I knew this, teaches me right for ignoring a make-up rule I usually abide by!