All for AUTUMN!

All for AUTUMN!

Autumn is my favourite season for many reasons, it always has been. Even as a little kid I'd get excited as soon as the leaves started to turn, I'm glad that excitement hasn't died yet! So why do I love this season? Lets see...

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* It's beautiful! Rich, golden browns, rustic reds, brilliant yellows, hot oranges...The trees look like they've caught fire; I don't even care about getting up at 6:30am, it's worth it - Autumn mornings are stunning.

* The smell! Is that weird to say? I always think Autumn has a fresh, earthy, crisp smell which makes me feel awake - even on the cold, dark days. I love when the smell turns from Summer to Autumn, that's when the excitement begins :)

* The weather! Yep, gimme a cold, rainy, windy day over a hot one any day. So long as I have an excuse to wear a ludicrous amount of layers, drink hot chocolate and lie on the sofa with my duvet - I'm happy.

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* The food! Treacle toffee, bonfire lollies, stewed apples, cinnamon with EVERYTHING, hot chocolate with Bailey's, Kahlua coffee....My mum and I bake a lot, so the house always smells incredible.

* The fashion! Everything gets gothed/ rocked up a bit come Autumn, lace, cherry red lipstick, smudgey dark eyes, velvet greens and gold - right up my street. On the other end of the spectrum, the retro woollen scarves, hats and gloves which make you feel like you're 5 years old again.

* My birthday! 28th of October, it always falls during half term which is perfect. I'm lucky to have never had a birthday in school ;)

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* Halloween! Aaargh, so exciting when you love bats, candles, skulls, parties, dressing up, spooky looking food and E number loaded sweets.

* BONFIRE NIGHT! I get so incredibly giddy about it - but who doesn't love fireworks? Sparkley, flashy explosions of colour, the crackle of burning wood, the smokey smell, the 'Ooooohs' and 'Aaaahs' from the crowd.

* The run up to Christmas - yes, it's stressful and leaves me incredibly poor, but it's so much fun, too! You can't beat that festive feeling :)

All in all, most of my memories from being little are wrapped up in Autumn. Birthdays, bonfires, making glittery bonfire pictures at primary school, kicking up leaves...It's always a busy, magical season for me and I can't see my love for the season ever changing!

Do you love Autumn? What makes it special for you?