My Make-up, My Personality?

My Make-up, My Personality?

By nature, as human beings, we make judgements. 95% of the time (by my ever so scientific calculations *cough*) we don't consciously mean to, but sometimes you spot somebody and you've judged them before you actually know single thing about them. Usually this snap judgement is kept to ourselves, we don't act on it, we forget almost straight away.

 [[ Mini Bad Habit back aged about 14/ 15 - before discovering foundation and eyebrow filling! ]]

So what does out make-up style say about each of us as individuals, if anything? When I first got into make-up, my make-up style was rather...brutal and bright. I was confident, a little wild, kooky, sick of 'the mainstream', out to shock and the world was mine - looking back, it was rather evident through how I looked.

  [[ My typical everyday make-up this year! ]]

About five years on, my make-up style has changed dramatically. I wear only the basics to make myself look...alive! My personality has definitely changed since I was the 'rock kid' - I'm far less outgoing, more focused, I'm cynical, logical and spend Saturday nights sat in drinking tea. Lets just say I'm far more boring (although happier) and it shows!

To test my little theory about us judging people or expressing ourselves through our make-up styles, I had three guinnea pigs dear bloggers do a little work for me! I gave them all different personality traits/ stereotypes and they based their looks on what they'd expect to see from each character. Can you guess who is playing which stereotype?

Now, I'm NOT promoting stereotyping or judging books by covers, I just want to make people more aware of how they perceive others. Really think about it next time in a crowd of strangers.

(p.s) Muchos love and thanks to my three contributors for being mega patient and awesome since they did these looks for me AAAAGES ago, but I've only just gotten around to writing this post up. Bad blogger!