BUTTONS. I bought a remote for my camera and have been playing with it. Yeah, yeah, I know, I always go high aperture, low shutter speed for random pics but y'know what - they're fun to do!
TIME. Does 'Meet me at 6?' mean 'Meet me at 6?' to blokes? It doesn't to mine - he's always late! I found myself with time to spare waiting for him in town, so I took a few photos of the traffic and people in front of me. I'd have loved if it were busier! Maybe next time...
CHINA. Another one I took while waiting for the boy, not the best but I love the colours! Manchester's China Town is a bit shady, but there's an amazing Chinese supermarket there, I used to go in with my sister to buy 'mystery food'. They used to have a chiller in the back full of sea monsters, but I'm not sure it's there any more.
AUTOMATIC. A mask I painted for a college project...ended up washing the paint away, though!
RED? Today I bleached/ dyed my hair with a supposedly red dye...I knew it would be a bit pink, since it's called 'Rose Red' but...seriously?! It's freakin' magenta purple!
I didn't take many photos last week, or this week so I combined them - easiest option! I've also been playing with my studio light lately because I was fully aware that I have been very lazy with how I've been using it. I wish I'd done it sooner since I've been enjoying the results!