Through my mail box came a red slip
“Y’all weren’t in, we got yo’ shit”
Boom! To the depo - get my parcel
Got ma shit
Gonna get wiggy wit’ it
‘Halo’ hair
Blue streaks - ’Clip n Go’ - trĂ©s chic,
My 16” human hair heaven
Aw, damn, y’know my hair is short and my hair is green
Nuh uh uh
Long weft in there, bit obscene
“Y’all weren’t in, we got yo’ shit”
Boom! To the depo - get my parcel
Got ma shit
Gonna get wiggy wit’ it
‘Halo’ hair
Blue streaks - ’Clip n Go’ - trĂ©s chic,
My 16” human hair heaven
Aw, damn, y’know my hair is short and my hair is green
Nuh uh uh
Long weft in there, bit obscene
Must solve this hairy dilemma!
Whipped out my swishy black wig ‘cos I’m a diva
Get ma sexy hair did
Got my long extensions like a scene kid
More hair than Chewbacca dressed up as Cher
Pin it to my head and look fierce, take some pics
Yeah, I can whip it like Willow, bitch!
Ha haaa
Big Lily style’s all in it!
Gettin' wiggy with it
(Na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Gettin' wiggy with it
(Na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Gettin' wiggy with it
(Na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Gettin' wiggy with it
(Na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Disclosure : This parody style 'review' was brought to you by Halo Hair, Will Smith and my lack of shame.