PHRENOLOGY BUST. I ordered this for an art project. I didn't expect it to be quite so beautiful - the printing is a little off, I think the crackle glazing more than makes up for it though :)
BOKEH. Brokeh is an effect used to blur light and create patterns over your subject by using filters with shapes punched out of them. I've been trying it out, but clearly haven't mastered it yet! But I did think this photo was pretty - blurred traffic with a star filter over it.
YUM YUM. Cider tastes so much better from your favourite (if slightly outdated) mug, while baking cinnamon tea loaves at 11pm.
SUNSHINE. The weather has been treating us well in England lately, lets hope it stays that way! The goopy looking stuff on the left is frog-spawn, I'm looking forward to having baby frogs in the pond :)
HOLIDAY. Ahaha, God, I wish! I've been craving some sort of escape from the hum drum of every day life lately. Nothing spectacular, just somewhere quiet and pretty - if I had the money I'd be off faster than a shot.
(P.S) I also learnt that collodion, the stuff used in theatre and occasionally in films to create scarring was also used as part of a photographic process back in the 1850s. Now that's what I call a multi-use product!
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