I flip open my super old A3 pad, wedge the pages between the CD player and the bin, secure them with my camera battery charger, then decide on where to place my product. A plain A3 pad is one of the best and cheapest backgrounds for product photography you could ever use - mine was 99p from The Works!
Next up, I position my reflectors to dim shadows and reflect light from the window (or flash, depending what time it is) back on to the product. I don't always use reflectors, they're not absolutely necessary, so if you don't own any there's no rush to buy some! However, they are pretty cheap from eBay though, if you fancy trying them out.
Choose camera settings, compose, adjust focus, shoot. Re-adjust settings, shoot and repeat until I'm happy with the outcome!
What's your photography area like? What do you use as a background? If you're not so confident on your camera skills, check out my Beauty Blog Photography 101 post!