REVIEW - Taxi London 'Mile End' Lipgloss

REVIEW - Taxi London 'Mile End' Lipgloss

While mindlessly dilly-dallying through Superdrug yesterday, my eyes settled on a teeny, tiny little stack of shelves pushed against the Barry M stand. Attached to the top of said shelves was a gleaming beacon of bargain-ness, 'Everything £1'...of course, I had to take a look! The shelves contained Taxi London items, lipsticks, glosses, mascaras, eyeliners and a few cream eyeshadows. I picked up a couple of things and merrily hopped, skipped and jumped towards the till.

[[ Taxi London City Lights Gloss in 'Mile End' ]]

The very first lipgloss I bought for myself was from Taxi London (a glittery red I threw out a while ago) so I couldn't go without buying another! This time a more sensible creamy, pink-brown nude which will be perfect for throwing on over matte lipsticks to tone them down and add some shine. 

I don't think I have to say how much I dislike the packaging - but I will do anyway. I just don't see the point in having blue (yes, they're blue) lights in the lid and a mirror down the side. Even if I was in a club, there's no way in Hell I'd attempt to apply this thinking, 'Oh, this tiny mirror and crap light will do.' while probably swaying slightly and seeing double. Yes, even in a semi-drunken state, I'd still think it was crap.

[[ Doe foot applicator. Pink-brown colour. ]]

Past the packaging and on to what really matters - the product itself. I've got to say, I think this is my favourite gloss formula! Not too sticky, not too thick, no smell, no taste - perfect. 'Mile End' is very creamy, pigmented, comfortable to wear and lasts a fair while on me - I think I'll be bobbing back to Superdrug to pick up some other colours! At £1 each, why the heck not?!

Have you tried Taxi London before? What do you think of their products?