Giveaway Prize

Giveaway Prize

I was surprised last week when Cosmetic Candy contacted me to say that I'd won one of the Boots hampers she was giving away on her blog. Admittedly, I'd entered because a lot of the products were Boots Time Delay and No.7 anti-ageing things my mum likes and I thought it would be nice if she got a random treat :) Needless to say, when it arrived she instantly grabbed the No. 7 'Protect and Perfect' serum before excitedly rummaging through for anything else, exclaiming 'I like this!' as she went haha.

[[ The surviving products. ]]

[[ Lovely stuff! I now have zero excuse for dry skin this winter. ]]

Boots Extracts 'Mango Sugar Scrub', which smells INCREDIBLE. Quite like zesty sherbet - I can see this becoming an obsession. Boots Extracts 'Honey Body Butter', Boots Botanics 'Relaxing Bath Oil' (also smells awesome), Boots Botanics 'Eye and Lip Correction Serum' (which I insisted on keeping since I'm paranoid about wrinkly eyes), FCUK 'Polished' eau de toilette and Toni & Guy 'Boost it Mousse'.

I'm excited to try everything out; this really perked up both mine and my mother's week :) Thanks again to Cosmetic Candy and Boots!