The interview was brief - the interviewer basically said 'We don't want those who primarily work in 2d.' - WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM A MAKE-UP STUDENT?! Why make me spend over £100 on travel/ accommodation to tell me that? Why even give me an interview? Needless to say, after the interview I was crushed. Thoroughly crushed. Actually almost in tears, crushed. It's the only course in the UK of its kind, and I don't want to do anything else.
I felt that my life had been put on standby for at least another year. When my friends will be hopping on trains to Preston uni, Bolton, London, I'd be here in Manchester figuring out how to put my life back on track. But I've already figured it out.
This September I'll be starting an art course, in the second year I'll be specialising in 3D, and I'll make the most epic monster Hertfordshire have ever seen!